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Hi! I'm ronny and this site is my digital drawer notes This means that you will find here raw notes about my dev journey. I take this notes usually when learning new things, solving coding problems or when I'm doing some data analysis. Most of the topics will be about R, python, JavaScript, Linux, nvim, tmux among other tools that I use in my day to day or that I want to learn.

Although I try to keep everything organized, sometimes I'm in a hurry, and as they say: it's better some documentation than nothing!

Notes organization

This site have on the left side bar the main table of contents. When you choose one of those, you will see in the right side bar a second table of contents specifically for the main topic selected.

I'm always trying to keep the topics and the content well organized, but this is a WIP (Work In Progress), so it will be changing through time.

How can I use the notes?

If something works for you as a reference or as a guide, great! Take it and use it! Before this, all this notes where kept in my real physical notebook on my desk drawer (Hence the name)

Given that the notes here are a WIP and can be changing constantly, I created a "more curated site" that is my blog. Some of the posts use content first created here, but usually they have a more extended explanation.

How can I create my own "drawer"?

I have a blogpost about it where you can learn and follow all the steps to build your own drawer. Also, I have a webinar with DataLatam (in spanish) on which I show all the steps with an example.

In summary, I take my notes on .Rmd, .qmd or md files and with the help of my R package docmaker, I run the necessary steps to build the website with tools such as mkdocs and GitHub Pages.

Who I am?

I consider myself a desk biologist who likes to play around with my computer, specially with R, Linux, Vim and a couple of other tools.