Data table
Translating a dplyr pipeline to data table
The problem was that a project had local csv files with many rows. When cleaning the data using dplyr this would consume a lot of the memory and take a lot of time to produce a result.
So, an option was to implement the package data.table
to be able to
handle all this data in a local computer.
This was the original data pipeline:
pixels_clean <- pixels %>%
separate(file_id, into = c("folder", "file_id"), sep = "/") %>%
mutate(file_id = str_remove(file_id, ".csv")) %>%
mutate(location = str_extract(geo, "\\[(.*?)\\]") ) %>%
separate(col = "location", into = c("lat", "long"), sep = ",") %>%
mutate(lat = str_extract(lat, "-?[0-9.]+"),
long = str_extract(long, "-?[0-9.]+")) %>%
select(-folder, -geo) %>%
separate(file_id, into = c("first", "second", "tnk"), remove = FALSE) %>%
select(-second, -tnk) %>%
separate(first, into = c("date", "time"), sep = "T") %>%
mutate(date = ymd(date))
The translation to data table:
pixels_sr[, c("folder_1", "folder_2", "file_id") := tstrsplit(file_id, "/", fixed = TRUE)]
pixels_sr[ , ":="(file_id = str_remove(file_id, ".csv"))]
pixels_sr[ , ":="(location = str_extract(geo, "\\[(.*?)\\]"))]
pixels_sr[, c("lat", "long") := tstrsplit(location, ",", fixed = TRUE)]
pixels_sr[ , ":="(lat = str_extract(lat, "-?[0-9.]+"),
long = str_extract(long, "-?[0-9.]+"))]
pixels_sr[, ":="(date = ymd(file_id))]
pixels_sr[, c("file_id", "system_index",
"folder_1", "folder_2",
"geo", "location") := NULL]
Other tips:
If we have a column with more than ~40 groups, we should create a key:
setkey(pft, columna_con_muchos_grupos)
The sintaxis to summarise per groups will be:
check_mean <- pft[ , .(mean_evi = mean(evi, na.rm = TRUE)),
by = fecha]
Sintaxis for creating a new column with some column formulas:
pft[ , ":="(evi = (2.5 *(b8 - b4)) /
(b8 + (2.4 * b4) + 1000))]