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R spatial notes

All notes related to experiments to deal and learn about using spatial data with R.

Exporting a COG (Cloud Optimized Geotiff) file from GEE

The idea is to document steps to export from Google Earth Engine a COG file (or several) to Google Drive to be imported latter in R for analysis.

As a first approach, I followed a tutorial from the Google documentation:.

The code below is a copy/paste from the GEE IDE:

// Load a landsat image and select three bands.
var landsat = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA/LC08_123032_20140515')
  .select(['B4', 'B3', 'B2']);

// Create a geometry representing an export region.
var geometry = ee.Geometry.Rectangle([116.2621, 39.8412, 116.4849, 40.01236]);

// Retrieve the projection information from a band of the original image.
// Call getInfo() on the projection to request a client-side object containing
// the crs and transform information needed for the client-side Export function.
var projection ='B2').projection().getInfo();

// Export a cloud-optimized GeoTIFF.
  image: landsat,
  description: 'imageToCOGeoTiffExample',
  crsTransform: projection.transform,
  region: geometry,
  folder: "GEE_testing",
  fileFormat: 'GeoTIFF',
  formatOptions: {
    cloudOptimized: true

After the COG file was exported to my Google Drive, I downloaded to my data folder. Then, this file was imported to my R session with the help of the terra package:


check <- rast("data/imageToCOGeoTiffExample.tif")

And, to validate it, I plotted the file using the terra function:


plotRGB(check, axes = TRUE, stretch = "lin", main = "Landsat True Color Composite")


Updating GDAL in Ubuntu

For using the terra package or other spatial packages in R, it’s necessary to install in your system GDAL. There are several steps to follow to do this.

In my case, I had already GDAL on my system but it was outdated.

$ gdalinfo --version
GDAL 3.0.4, released 2020/01/28

So, I removed first the system packages:

sudo apt remove libgdal-dev
sudo apt remove libproj-dev
sudo apt remove gdal-bin

Then I proceed to add the PPA ubuntugis

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable

Finally, I installed the necessary packages:

sudo apt-get install gdal-bin
sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev libgeos-dev libproj-dev 
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt autoremove

And now, my GDAL version is:

$ gdalinfo --version
GDAL 3.3.2, released 2021/09/01

terra package tutorial

All the code and examples here were created using the information in

Downloading example data

if (!fs::dir_exists("data")) {
  dir.create("data", showWarnings = FALSE)

if (!file.exists("data/rs/samples.rds")) {
    download.file("", dest = "data/")
    unzip("data/", exdir="data")

Working with MODIS data

The documentation states that we should work with the luna package, but it’s not on CRAN, so I downloaded directly from the GitHub

# remotes::install_github("rspatial/luna")

# Check products available through package API's
prod <- getProducts()

# Check just the MODIS products
modis <- getProducts("^MOD|^MYD|^MCD")

# To redirect to MODIS info webpage
## Examples comes with MOD09A1
## I'm interested in MOD09GA

# Queremos descargar los datos
## Necesitamos area de interes
## Fecha de inicio y de fin

nicoya <- geodata::gadm("Costa Rica", level = 1, path = ".")

guanacaste <- nicoya[nicoya$NAME_1 == "Guanacaste", ]

# Plot area
plot(nicoya, col = "light gray")
lines(guanacaste, col = "red", lwd = 2)

# Check MODIS data available for the area of interest
mf <- luna::getModis(product = "MOD09GA", 
                     start_date = "2015-01-01", 
                     end_date = "2015-01-07", 
                     aoi = guanacaste,
                     download = FALSE)

# Let's download some data
username <- Sys.getenv("EARTHDATA_USER")
passwd <- Sys.getenv("EARTHDATA_PASSWD")

mf <- luna::getModis(product = "MOD09GA", 
                     start_date = "2015-01-01", 
                     end_date = "2015-01-07", 
                     aoi = guanacaste,
                     download = TRUE,
                     path = here::here("data"),
                     username = username,
                     password = passwd)

# At this point, we should have the data in the path indicated

# Explore the downloaded data:

file <- file.path(here::here(), "data/MOD09GA.A2015006.h09v07.006.2015295062629.hdf")
r <- rast(file)

datadir <- file.path(dirname(tempdir()), "_modis")
mf <- file.path(datadir, "MOD09A1.A2009361.h21v08.006.2015198070255.hdf")
r <- rast(mf[1])

I have the problem that I cannot read the downloaded files

# with same steps as tutorial
product <- "MOD09A1"
start <- "2010-01-01"
end <- "2010-01-07"

ken <- geodata::gadm("Kenya", level=1, path=".")

i <- ken$NAME_1 == "Marsabit"
aoi <- ken[i,]

plot(ken, col="light gray")
lines(aoi, col="red", lwd=2)

mf <- luna::getModis(product, start, end, aoi=aoi, download = FALSE)

datadir <- file.path(dirname(tempdir()), "_modis")
dir.create(datadir, showWarnings=FALSE)

mf <- luna::getModis(product, start, end, aoi=aoi, download=TRUE,
                     path=datadir, username = username,
                     password = passwd)


datadir <- file.path(dirname(tempdir()), "_modis")

mf <- file.path(datadir, "MOD09A1.A2009361.h21v08.006.2015198070255.hdf")

r <- terra::rast(mf[1])